Created by Devony Amber Wolfe, otherwise known as Serpentfire, Celestial Bodies is an all-in-one astrology and numerology learning tool and oracle deck. It is the only deck of its kind - fully integrating beautiful, cosmic landscape artwork on the oracle cards with in-depth knowledge of astrology and numerology in the accompanying guidebook. The cards are intuitively created, based upon Devany's connection with astrological energies and long-time conference with both the astrologer and numerologist who helped this project come to life. This exciting deck has the perfect amalgamation of astrology and numerology. Packed with 2 guidebooks (Volume 1 and 2) that explain all the cards in the deck and the artist's intuitive relationship to the cosmos.
Beautifully illustrated 83 astrology and numerology oracle cards explained in the two volume 370 page comprehensive guidebooks.